Slaton Trio dares to STEP FORWARD WHILE REACHING OUT to capture a calf at Sunday’s calf scramble. Faith and persistent determination enabled ALL THREE (3) to catch their prize —- a calf. Oh —-The famous three are: left to right; Grace Parker (older sister), the humble, quiet leader of our Slaton FFA chapter (WYATT HARLAN) and Mary Jo Parker (younger sister).

Kristine, Grace and Jacob Parker are blessed to have Grace halter the calf and was the 3rd person to qualify in Sunday,s event. They are obviously enjoying the success. Grace (A TRUE SLEEPER) ran her FIRST two mile cross country race last week at Odessa, TX. and placed third. Now, this week she HOG TIED her calf in SEVEN (7) seconds flat inside the square and then had to drag her calf out of the square and then back in…

Kristine, Mary Jo and Jacob Parker are enjoying their special blessing of their second daughter of haltering in the calf.
The history includes:dad JACOB PARKER halted a calf while he was in Slaton Chapter FFA.
I have more pictures and videos to share just as soon as I obtain ‘AROUNDTUIT’.