Slaton Trio dares to STEP FORWARD WHILE REACHING OUT to capture a calf at Sunday’s calf scramble. Faith and persistent determination enabled ALL THREE (3) to catch their prize —- a calf. Oh —-The famous three are: left to right; Grace Parker (older sister), the humble, quiet leader of our Slaton FFA chapter WYATT HARLAN and Mary Jo Parker (younger sister).
Turn the volume up for these special videos to see and listen to the excitement of the parents who are blessed to have their daughters capture the prize on the same night and their neighbor Wyatt also was successful. The photos (still mode) lets one see in better detail of just what is happening.

The adrenaline is at its peak as the calves are soon to be in the picture.

An even start as 30 young men and women have their sights set on 15 calves.

Grace Parker has seen bull dogging before and a calf miraculously turns correctly so that Grace can capture.

In SEVEN (7) seconds flat Ms. Grace Parker has her calf and is inside the circle. Bottom portion shows Wyatt Harlan with terrific body lean as he prepares to tackle.

Only thing visible of Grace Parker are her blue shoes and she is smiling at the camera in the top left photo, camera man has spotted a QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT.

Wyatt Harlan (football made) takes final step in his diving tackle. Wyatt is the second person to take the prize. In the top left you can see a girl holding on to the tail of a calf while Grace Parker has hog tied the calf and the Camera man is to the left of those two taking videos.

Calf circles to evade capture and then runs to the other side of the arena, Mary Jo’s previous cross country and hurdle events is about to reap a reward.

Calf is loose that is for sure with 11 of the 12 close by, however two of the three leaders stumble and fall.

Calf has ran from one side of the arena to the other and Mary Jo had to hurdle twice over fallen scramblers to now being in the lead to capture — tail first of course.

All eyes on Mary Jo as she is the final one to capture her calf.

Arena Judge – hands behind his back – is close at hand to make sure all is ok.

Still in the spot light, Mary Jo is haltering her calf.

Mary Jo up close – SMILING – talks to the audience while haltering her calf.

Mary Jo pulls more so that the calves last foot is in the square.

The last one (15th) to take her prize to the circle is Ms. Mary Jo.