Southland FAA Seeks Funds

Southland tractorSouthland FFA is working with Ag Texas Farm Credit to raise money to support our regional food bank. This is a great cause. Many rely on the area’s food bank to get by and we want to help make sure it is successful. Your donation of a dollar helps leverage $5.00 of needed groceries and household goods. If you would like to make a donation, please stop by Matt Hamel Ag Products on 5th and Michigan here in Southland. In addition, there are information flyers at his store.

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Your Work Is Important

Pastor Curtis BakerBy: Curtis Baker

What comes to mind when you think of mission work?  If I am not mistaken, you probably envision someone who has given their life to evangelism in a foreign country.  In our own congregation, we support missionaries in both the Dominican Republic and Zimbabwe, Africa. These are very important works and it is a great thing to share in the fruit of souls saved in a foreign land.  We should thank God for these kinds of opportunities and do all we can to inform ourselves about what takes place in those foreign places.  But as important as that kind of mission work is, I think it is equally important to understand that the work YOU do, if it is honest and good work, is also a part of God’s mission in our world.

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216 Attend “Farmer Rancher Railroader Merchant” Dinner

The St Joseph Hall was packed to acknowledge recognition to the Farmers, Ranchers and Railroaders.  This year was this first year, in many, to include the railroaders.  The railroaders make up a rich part of what Slaton is all about!   We are proud to have them on-board!   The Knights of Columbus cooked chicken and served up some sausage.
Farmer of the Year – Kelly Kitten – Bio
Farm Hand of the Year – Modesto Vasquez – Bio
Railroader of the Year – Rodney Simmons – Bio
First Bale of the Year – NONE!
Hosted by the Slaton Chamber of Commerce.
Awards were presented by State Rep Charles Perry, County Commissioner Mark Heinrich, Chamber President Mark Meurer.   A BIG THANK YOU to All The Merchants that helped make the event possible!

FRRM 2013

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