by Billy Villarreal (FB)
A few baseball announcements for the week:
1. The JV game against Tahoka tomorrow has been cancelled due to STAAR testing that will take place Monday and Tuesday. We are trying to work out a make-up time.
2. We will be having our Hit-A-Thon on Tuesday. Our players will start hitting around 5:30. Once they all finish, we will open up the hitting to the public like we did last year. All players already have sponsor sheets if you’d like to support them. If you’d like to hit, $5 will get you 10 swings/hits. We had a great time last year and hope you will make it out on Tuesday!
3. Varsity will play at Idalou on Thursday at 4:30 and the JV will play a double header on Saturday at Idalou starting at noon.
Thanks for your support!