Mr. Shaye Murphy, Our Principal at Slaton High School. Please read his welcome address below here:

Welcome address by Shaye Murphy.

The year is 1919. The United States has spent the past year recovering from what was thought to be the “war to end all wars” World War I saw the deaths of 116,516 soldiers, along with the introduction of tank warfare and the use of poison gas. On November 11, 1918, the war finally came to an end. Now, one year later on November 11, the nation is eager to honor its heroes, both those who died in battle and those who made it home, and thus Veterans Day was created in 1919.
The above picture is of Bill Kitten of Slaton, Texas who was in World War I.
He is the TRIPLE GREAT UNCLE of: Kade Kitten, Grant Kitten, Rachyl Kitten, Grace Parker, Mary Jo Parker, Trevor Wright and Trent Wright — to name a few.
These few mentioned above are the 7th Generations of the Kitten Family to live in Slaton, Texas.

Slaton High School’s program shows Principal Shaye Murphy as one who dares to step up to doing the inspirational welcome address, a presentation of the missing man at the single table, and the closing remarks about we are free because of those who paid the ultimate price with their life for our country for you see freedom is not free at all.
In the video below which can be expanded to full screen; notice that as a Medley is played for the Branch of Service they were in— they stand — while the others remain seated.
To view video: left click on ‘Veterans Armed Forces Medley’ below:
Ms. Julee Becker made a 3 minute video with the Slaton Band playing in the background.
To see this special presentation click on IMG 5554 below: