What is the Gospel? (Rom 1:1-7)

cb1By: Curtis Baker

As we begin our series on the letter of Romans, there is a question we must answer which will be very important to the rest of our study–“What is the gospel?”  For those of you who have spent much time in church, you probably have heard the term many times before.  If not, you may recall having heard it in some kind of religious context, but are not precisely sure what it means.  In the original language that the New Testament of our Bible was written, the word “gospel” had a very straightforward meaning.  Simply put, it means, “good news.”  This is very important, because as Paul begins his letter to the church in Rome, he bases both his letter, and his call to be an apostle on the fact that he was “set apart for the ‘good news.'” (Rom 1:1)  So it is worth exploring here for a moment what this good news is that Paul has based the whole purpose of his life on.

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