An Eye for an Eye (Matt 5:38-42)

CurtisBakerA Message From The Heart

An Eye for an Eye (Matt 5:38-42)
By: Pastor Curtis Baker

Moving on from the subject of integrity, Jesus now brings us to two of the hardest teachings in his Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:38-48).  Their difficulty lies in the fact that they seem so unnatural to us in all our relationships with others.  But before we follow Jesus there, let me make a quick observation that I hope to be helpful to our discussion.

One of the most important distinctions we can make when it comes to specific teachings in the Bible is to understand the difference between “wisdom” and “law.”  A quick way of distinguishing the two would be to say that wisdom teaches one how to live life in all its various situations, while the law tells one how to respond in specific circumstances.  In other words, wisdom is about character, while law is about obedience to a rule, despite what our character may be.  For example, the wise person develops a character that will no longer want what other people have, while the person obedient to the law may avoid stealing because of the legal consequences, but would take something if they knew they wouldn’t get caught.  You see the difference.  Another important difference between wisdom and the law is that law cannot produce righteousness.  The law, at its best, sets up standards of minimal decency.  “Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery,” are all laws that help make society a decent and good place to live, but as we have noted over the last several weeks, just because someone keeps the letter of “the law,” does not mean that their character is truly “good.”

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Senior Citizen News

By Janet James

Food for thought – Where some people see a roadblock, others see a challenge.

I took a couple of days off last week.  Doing yard work may not be as much fun as going to the center but it has to be done.  Now that’s done it’s back to fun.

Upcoming events
– Thursday (April 25) Pot luck – game night starting at 5:30. Monday (May 6) HFF will be here from 10-12 to check your BP, blood sugar, and weight.  Tuesday (May 14) Calvert will be here from 11-12 to check your BP.  Saturday (May 18) Our MOW breakfast from 8 – 9:30.

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Weekly Techie Tip #003

cell phone wetBy Zane The Tech Man

Wet Cell Phone – Drop Cell Phone In Water?
No matter how hard you try it will happen to you. That brand new cell phone you bought and have painstakingly cared for will be attacked by a liquid. You’ll spill a glass of water on it at your desk or it’ll fall in a puddle while you run inside a store during a rainstorm. The scenarios are endless but the results don’t always have to end with you shelling out more money. I’m not guaranteeing that  these steps will always work but I have saved a couple phones doing these steps.

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Tour Guides Visit Slaton HH

Tour Harvey Houseby Chad Wilson

Tour guides from all over the great state of Texas visited the Harvey House on Tuesday.  The weather was cold, but the hospitality was warm as ever.  Hopefully we’ll see each of these folks again with tourists in tow!

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Slaton Air Museum

Air Museum PlaneRefurbished Plane – Ready To Go!
Malcolm Laing of the Slaton Air Museum along with County Commissioner Mark Heinrich stand beside a plane that will be flying in the Air Show set for June 8.  The plane has been in the refurb stage for about 7 years and is ready to fly again after many long hours and faithful commitment by dozens of volunteers.  More details/photos about the plane and the museum can be found at The Texas Air Museum.



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Grants For Local Organizations

MMSAElogoMercy Ministries Slaton Area Endowment Grants Submitted

Several local organizations submitted for grant money to be distriubuted in the first round of the grants from the Mercy Ministries Slaton Area Endowment.  The final approval process is underway.  Grant awards are expected to be announced sometime in May.   The endowment organization serves primarily Slaton and the surrounding area by supporting projects that address community needs.  The endowment will help both today, tomorrow and countless tomorrows to come.  If you would like to learn more about the endowment program, for both contributions or distributions,  you can contact Mark Meurer 789.8456 or visit

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Integrity Part 2

by Pastor Curtis Baker

Do you remember the little trick we used to play as kids when we wanted to lie, but wanted others to think we were telling the truth?  There are probably several different variations on this trick, depending on where and when you grew up, but when I was a kid the trick was to cross your fingers behind your back.  So long as you fingers were uncrossed, you were bound to tell the truth to your friends, or else be rightly accused of lying.  But if you could conceal your fingers in the crossed position, you were free to tell others anything that you pleased.

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